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Poetry and the Catholic Faith in Saskatoon, September 2024


The advent lecture for The Guild of Our Lady of Ransom, at St Patrick's in Soho, London, just as 100 Great Catholic Poems is launched.


Signing books at the Good News Conference in Minneapolis, September 2024

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In Rome, with the participants of the Truth and Beauty Project, 2023

Book signing at the launch of Night's Bright Darkness, at the Venerable English College in Rome, 2016

With the students of the University of St Thomas, at the Bernardi Campus, Rome, in 2023


Addressing the Legion of Mary in Dublin, August 2023


The Chapel Choir of Trinity College Dublin, singing "Out of Darkness", music by Paul Flynn, lyrics by Sally Read, Christmas 2022


The Slovakian publishing team for Night's Bright Darkness, sending greetings!


My first talk at the Bernardi Campus of the University of St Thomas, with Fr Gregory beside me, 2017


Annunciation, on Women of Grace, 2020. The pandemic meant that programs were willing to bring in interviewees from faraway.


Discussing Dawn of this Hunger with Barbara MacGuigan on her program, The Good Fight, 2021

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At the launch of Night's Bright Darkness, at the Venerable English College, Rome, 2017

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A 2012 portrait by Dino Ignani, who created a series of photo portraits of poets in Italy


At the launch of Annunciation, in the convent of the Poor Servants of the Mother of God, Rome February, 2020

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